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Category Diving Cruises
Duration 8 days 7 nights


Nortada’s eight guest arrangement for diving itineraries leverages encounters with marine wild life and enhances diver supervision, this renders in a safer and more personalized dive experience.

Exclusivity for 8 guests.

Humbolt and Panama seasons itinerary include visits to Wolf - Darwin Islands. Maximum capacity of 12 people only with special charters. Nortada offers 7 and 14 night itineraries.

Dates & Prices

Originally built in France by Guy Couach, Nortada is a fully rebuilt fiberglass vessel serving as a dive live-aboard in the Galapagos Islands with capacity for 12 guests in four air conditioned triple cabins with twin lower berths and one single upper berth, each cabin has an en-suite bathroom.

Great option for running charter in small groups.

Nortada was custom build for diving with a spacious dive deck and outside shower.


Charging station Air conditioned cabins
Family cabins Audio & video entertainment
Air conditioned saloon En-suite bathrooms
Outside shower Non-smoking rooms
Warm water showers Bar
Camera station Sun deck
Leisure deck Observation deck
Wifi available Naturalist itinerary


Our Schedule

Gordon Rocks

Gordon Rocks

Our departure schedule for the tour are Mondays and Saturday

North Seymour

North Seymour

Our departure schedule for the tour are:
Wednesday combined with Daphne
Friday combined with Mosquera
Sunday combined with Mosquera

Cousin Rocks

Cousin Rocks

Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday



Our departure schedule for the tour are:
Wednesday combined with North Seymour
Thursday combined with Mosquera



Our departure schedule for the tour are:
Thursday combined with Daphne
Friday combined with North Seymour



Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday (only charter)

  • Gordon Rocks

    Gordon Rocks

    Our departure schedule for the tour are Mondays and Saturday

  • North Seymour

    North Seymour

    Our departure schedule for the tour are:
    Wednesday combined with Daphne
    Friday combined with Mosquera
    Sunday combined with Mosquera

  • Cousin Rocks

    Cousin Rocks

    Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday

  • Daphne


    Our departure schedule for the tour are:
    Wednesday combined with North Seymour
    Thursday combined with Mosquera

  • Mosquera


    Our departure schedule for the tour are:
    Thursday combined with Daphne
    Friday combined with North Seymour

  • Bartolome


    Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday (only charter)